Why Are Sports Cards So Fun?

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Sports Cards is an industry that has blown up recently. What has been a great hobby for most and a reminder of most people’s youths. Why is it collecting little rectangles of cardboard fun tho?

For investors it is complex. When you invest into a card itcould easily be compared to investing in a stock. Except when you invest in a card you invest in that particular player rather than a company. You have a small stake in the performance of the player. If he/she performs well on the field the price will go up and if the player performs well/wins a championship. Some buy players that they like or have a personal connection with and others just buy players because they know they are good. Personally, I like to buy players that are up and comers that would be cheap (around 25 – 50 dollars) with high upside. Some other investors like to buy sure thing players that would most likely continue to go up. An example of that would be Lebron James who will go up more if he wins another championship and when he getes into the hall of fame or Luka Doncic, every year he continues to play well his rookie card will go up. For the most part investors will stick to rookies cards with the rare exception of the top players who will still have a market from year to year.

The other people who like to buy sports cares are collectors. Collectors are more of the hobbyists that have been collecting cards since their youth and have more of a personal attatchment. You might want to collect a certain player and get all of his colorways/refracotrs of a certain card. FOr example I collect Donovan Peoples-Jones crads and I have been trying to collect all of his Prizms. He is not the best player out there but he has been my favorite player from Michigan for a couple years now. You can collect anyone you want to.

I think the personal connection with the players is waht makes it great. Whether you are trying to invest or just collect you always buy a card because you like a player. To hear that certain player is doing well is very special becasue you are either happy your investment is panni out or oyu are happy on a personal level that your favorite player is doing well.

Gambling definitely has a part in sports cards. It is very obvious that opening packs of cards is gambling. However, every once and a while opening packs is so fun. Trying to get that big hit or that elusive rookie card that you want so badly. It has a certain rush and is just so fun for some reason. Even if you get nothing opening packs is so fun becasuse of what you could get.

I love collecting cards and I bleive that it is incredibly fun. I am so excited of what it is becoming and hope that as sports grow, the sports card industry will continue to forw as well. for me there is nothing more fun than investing in a player you belive in and watching him/her play. I hope more people will continue to do that as well and experience the same joy.

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